Moving with Kids and Pets? Get the Stress-Free Moving Guide You Need!

Relocating is usually a fun and exciting time. But the change can also be a great challenge. From finding a safer neighbourhood to buying a new house, relocating can be stressful, especially if kids and pets are in the mix.

Leaving your old home for a new one or saying goodbye to your friends might be overwhelming for both kids and pets. And this stressful experience may make the whole ordeal more difficult for parents.

However, with the best approach, the process can be a positive and good experience for everyone involved. Some of the approaches you can use are the following:

1. Hire and Research Movers

Enlisting the services of movers from companies such as Metcalf Moving may help alleviate stress during your move.

Research your potential movers within your area well once you choose a moving date. Putting that off may lead to movers being unavailable on the moving day. And you wouldn’t want to get stuck with a mover you can’t rely on or don’t trust.

2. Make Everything Concrete

Transparency may mean letting your kids know about the plans to relocate to a new home. Let them know what that move is going to mean to them as well as how it will impact their lives.

As a parent, you have the responsibility to clarify who and what is coming on that new adventure. Let them know outright that everyone involved is coming, including their pets, treasured items, and siblings.

Also, tell them about the practical repercussions of moving to the new house. Give them clear details about the new place, including bedrooms for everyone and whether there is a backyard. You can as well talk about their neighborhood, school, and of course, the language, landscape, and weather if you are relocating to another country.

When speaking to older kids, give them details about the new life they are going to find there. This must include the following:

  • Address
  • Name of their schools
  • Your spouse’s work or the name of the work you are going for

3. Consider Having Fun Project Together

Perhaps your kids are somewhere else with a family or friend during the day of the move. But the process will still continue after you reach a new home. In order to avoid this anxiety, consider finding several fun activities to help your kids occupied while you unpack.

For instance, you may motivate your kids to decorate. They may decorate their new bedrooms or decide on décor items. You may as well purchase some computer or board games to distract your kids.

4. Choose a Safer Space for Pets

When moving into a new home, set up a quieter and safer space for all your pets to relax. This might be a cardboard box, bed, or kennel.

You also need to put their favourite treats and toys there. Show your pets that new place so that they may escape to their haven when they are insecure or overwhelmed.

Concluding Remarks!

The first couple of days after your move will be hard for everyone. From getting used to the new place to knowing the neighbors, things will be complicated for you, your kids, and your pets. But with the right plan, the whole experience can be great.